Of course, all of this is somewhat dependent on what I get done at the office today and other days, and how the kids are at night, but this is what we are shooting for this week:
Monday - finishing sanding, mainly around outlets that needed more mud; start priming (hopeful to complete it!)
Tuesday - kids at sitter until 5, so I can get a few extra hours in the afternoon. Finishing priming if necessary; 1st coat of paint; It is possible that I could finish the first coat, do the kid stuff (gymnastics, etc.) and apply the second coat late that night (or I could just watch TV)
Wednesday - finishing painting if necessary
Thursday - dinner with the board (why me!); project wise--not sure yet
Friday & Saturday - not sure yet
Later in the weekend or this weekend will include a trip or two to Lincoln. We need to pick up the door, which will need to be painted, as well as flooring. As of right now, we have not completely decided on flooring. Originally, we were going to use some really cool concrete floor stain. However, this past week, we started talking carpet, after Ken and Sarah picked up theirs. It has the padding attached, doesn't need to be stretched, and goes down with carpet tape. This wasn't in our original plan because of cost, but we may be changing our mind for two reasons: 1) time (and little prep); with the stain, besides the application time, there is the drying time, etc.; and 2) we are not exactly sure yet, but preliminary numbers are looking like the carpet is not going to be a whole lot more expensive than the floor stain.
Keep your fingers crossed; hopefully, by the time the weekend is over, we can basically scratch this project, save a few minor things done later (i.e., sound barrier, drop ceiling), of the list. The only down side I see in finishing this project is that we will need to come up with another reason for our messy house....suggestions?
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